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NGO VERBINA Presentation

Association “Verbina”, officially registered on August 24, 2004, is a non-governmental organization established with the aim to support disadvantaged persons. Association “Verbina” is non-for-profit and non-political. It is a juridical entity. Association “Verbina” has a separate balance sheet, bank accounts, including in foreign currency.

NGO “Verbina” carries out training activities for human resources qualified in the social, educational, and health fields, with the application and implementation of innovative programs for the benefit of the public and disadvantaged children. It designates 2% of your income tax to NGO “Verbina”.

Association “Verbina” was created for an unlimited period of time and operates all over the Republic of Moldova, including Transnistria.

The Association has the right to establish branches, institutions and departments.

Association “Verbina” works with state bodies, civil society organizations, national and international organizations. It operates in the Republic of Moldova in order to develop alternative services to those provided by State.

The major aim of the NGO "Verbina" is strengthening capacities of civil servants and civil society actors in the Republic of Moldova, who actively engage in promoting the rights of socially disadvantaged persons and young people and implementing initiatives related to their interest.


  • Association “Verbina” is member of the Alliance of NGOs active in the field of Child and Family Protection from the Republic of Moldova (APSCF) and member of the Alliance’s Administration Council;
  • Association “Verbina” is founding member of the Alliance of Organizations for Persons with Disabilities of the Republic of Moldova (AOPD) and member of the Alliance’s Administration Council;
  • Association “Verbina” is founding member of the Federation for Rights and Resources of Persons with Autism Spectrum Disorders in the Republic of Moldova (FEDRA) and member of the Federation’s Administration Council. Association “Verbina” is member of the European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD), Belgium;
  • Association “Verbina” is member of Handiplanet Echanges, France;
  • HANDIPLANET,Romania.

Public Association “Verbina”’s mission

To improve the quality of life of disadvantaged persons from the Republic of Moldova through collaboration with public authorities and civil society in order to create an environment with equal opportunities for everybody.

Public Association “Verbina”’s vision

Disadvantaged persons integrated and with equal social opportunities.

Working values of Public Association “Verbina”

  • Operational and financial transparency within Public Association “Verbina”’s activity;
  • Responsibility and flexibility in approaching issues relevant to Public Association “Verbina”’s mission;
  • Perseverance to realize set mission and objectives;
  • Tolerance and respect toward diversity of views, values, etc.

NGO Verbina”, part of civil society

The unification of the efforts of practitioners in the field of disabled children protection offered a real chance to the representatives of the associative sector, to maintain a permanent dialogue with the state structures of central and local level and also with the international organizations. At the same time, this created premises for the acceptance of the legislative initiatives of the NGOs, their participation in different working groups for the elaboration of normative acts and standards in the field. The NGO "Verbina" experts participated in the elaboration of the following documents:

1. Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy

2. The draft Law on combating domestic violence

3. The draft Law on Adoption

4. The draft Law on companions

5. Action plan in the Human Rights field

6. the draft Law on struggling children

7. Regulation on the organization and functioning of the Communication Service through the use of sign language with the help of the interpreter;

8. Modification of annex No. 1 to the Government Decision No. 1268 of 21.11.2007

9.The Single Opinion elaborated by the Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family of the Republic of Moldova on the draft Law on the completion of the Law on the legal regime of adoption No. 99 of 28.05.2010 submitted as the legislative initiative No. 96 from 06.03.2014

10. The draft Law for amending and supplementing some legislative acts elaborated by the Ministry of Justice, in collaboration with other authorities and non-governmental organizations in order to standardize and broaden the legal framework on the regulation of the activity of non-commercial organizations (public associations, foundations, employers, trade unions) in order to elucidate the problems they face, to eliminate them, as well as to facilitate and intensify relations between non-profit organizations and state authorities.

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