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First page  »  Programs  »  Public – Civil Society Partnerships within Disability Field Program
Public – Civil Society Partnerships

Unification of efforts of workers active in the field of children with disabilities protection became a real chance for representatives of the civil society and beneficiaries of Public Association “Verbina” to have a permanent dialog with central and local state bodies, as well as, international organizations. Additionally, it created preconditions for NGO legislative initiatives to be accepted, for NGOs to participate within working groups established to elaborate legal documents and standards in the field. Public Association “Verbina”’s experts participated to elaboration of:

  1. Draft of the Law on child in a difficult situation;
  2. Draft of the Law on fighting domestic violence;
  3. Draft of the Law on supporting person;
  4. Action Plan in the field of Human Rights;
  5. Strategy of Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction;
  6. Regulation on Organization and Work of the Communication Service Using Sign Language with the Help of a Translator;
  7. Amendment of the Annex No. 1 of the Government Decision No. 1268 of 21.11.2007;
  8. Unique Comments elaborated by the Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family of the Republic of Moldova on the Draft of the Law on amendments to the Law on Adoption Legal Status No. 99 of 28.05.2010 proposed as legal initiative No. 96 of 06.03.2014;
  9. Draft of the Government Decision on approval of the Regulation on Establishment and Payment of the Daily Allowance for Children Placed within Community House for Children at Risk, elaborated based on art. 22 of the Law on Social Assistance No. 547-XV of 25.12.2003, with subsequent amendments, as well as p. 4 of the Government Decision on approval of the Framework Regulation on Organization and Work of the Social Service Community House for Children at Risk No. 52 of 17.01.2013;
  10. Draft of the Law on amendment of legislation elaborated by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Moldova in collaboration with other authorities and non-governmental organizations in order to uniform and amplify legal framework regarding regulation of the activity of non-commercial organizations (public association, foundations, associations of employers, associations of employees) in order to clarify problems that these organizations meet, in order to solve these problems as well as to facilitate and improve relationships between non-commercial organizations and state authorities.

First page  »  Programs  »  Public – Civil Society Partnerships within Disability Field Program

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